Next Monday, Vickie (my son’s girlfriend), Jason (my grandson) and I are headed back to the Omega Recording Studio in Rockville, Maryland, to work on our upcoming CD/EP. This time we’ll work on the harmonies for the new songs, as well as one more new song I was able to finish, entitled, “I Found You”. If all goes as well as we hope, the new harmonies will put the new songs over the top, and if we are able to get them all done, the album will hopefully come out by this summer once the other components are completed.

Following the recording session, Jason will be coming home with me, and we’ll be doing a show together at Brighter Living Assisted Living facility on Wednesday, March 13th at 2:00 PM. We’ll be doing some of the new songs, some of the songs from the Angels On Horseback CD (as requested by the Brighter Living residents), as well as some old favorites. This will be quite a thrill for me, as I’ve been wanting to do a show with Jason for quite a while now. I had the pleasure of doing a show with my granddaughter, Gracie, at American Legion Post 284 back in 2016, and now to be able to do one with my grandson too is simply incredible. My only real concern is that once the Brighter Living residents hear Jason sing, they won’t let me come back without him!! I’m going to video this show and have pictures taken so that we can share them later.